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Found 1674 results for any of the keywords of vivekananda kendra. Time 0.011 seconds.
History | Vivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar VibhagVivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar Vibhag (VKSPV): An Educational Project of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari
Vivekananda Kendra - NARDEP KanyakumariVK-NARDEP is an integral project of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari. It was started in 1986 inspired by Indic vision of the seers: Isavasyam idam Sarvam
Eknathji - Man with capital M | Eknathji : One Life One MissionAt Kanyakumari - a unique symbol of unity and purity - is the Memorial of Swami Vivekananda, another symbol of the united aspiration of Nation. In the Memorial, there is a happy and harmonious blend of all the architectu
Vivekananda Kendra ArunJyotiTo provide the basic facilities to every nook and corner of the Arunachalee society, Vivekanada Kendra Arunjyoti - a service project was started in 1993 with the motto - Development Through Culture .
Home | Vivekananda Kendra Institute of CultureVivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Assam Prant, Kamrup Vibhag, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture (VKIC) organized the 13th Vedanta Vachaspati Radhanath Phukan Memorial Lecture on the topic “Practical Vedanta of Swami
Vivekananda Kendra Centers | Vivekananda KendraHead Quarter VIVEKANANDA KENDRA, KANYAKUMARI
InaugurationVivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari
Vivekananda Kendra ArunJyoti: Informal Education ForumTo provide the basic facilities to every nook and corner of the Arunachalee society, Vivekanada Kendra Arunjyoti - a service project was started in 1993 with the motto - Development Through Culture .
Vivekananda Kendra ArunJyoti: ActivitiesTo provide the basic facilities to every nook and corner of the Arunachalee society, Vivekanada Kendra Arunjyoti - a service project was started in 1993 with the motto - Development Through Culture .
Inaugural Ceremony of Ma. Eknathji JanmaShati Parva | Eknathji : One LAt Kanyakumari - a unique symbol of unity and purity - is the Memorial of Swami Vivekananda, another symbol of the united aspiration of Nation. In the Memorial, there is a happy and harmonious blend of all the architectu
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